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Boxercise is an exercise class based on the training concepts boxers use to keep fit. At Boxing Energy Taree, classes can take a variety of formats but a typical one may involve shadow-boxing, skipping, hitting pads, kicking punchbags, press-ups, shuttle-runs and sit-ups. Most boxercise classes are aimed at men and women of all ages and fitness standards. As no class involves the physical hitting of an opponent, it is a fun, challenging and safe workout.

Boxing training is for everyone: Whatever your size, shape or sex. Remember, every boxer will have started from ground level, so anyone and everyone can work their way up to a good level of fitness: attend classes three times a week and you'll be fit in three months; twice a week and it will take six months. Most people don't know what to expect, so going to a real boxing gym is essential.


Release your aggression: Boxing training is a great way to do that, making you feel calm because all the aggression is very channelled and controlled. Even though there is no physical contact, it enables you to feel in control of your body and more confident about protecting yourself if you are required to.


Increase your discipline: Many people don't appreciate that boxing training is about discipline, and it's a great way to increase that in other areas of your life, too, such as drinking and eating. If everyone took up boxing training, we'd live in a fitter world and a better world, mentally and emotionally.


Focus energy and concentration: Training stimulates your mind and boosts your self-belief. It's a great sport for overweight children, and it also helps build self-esteem and respect in young people who may be bullied or lack physical confidence - I work with children from the age of 10 and have seen first-hand how it can stop bullying.


Never gulp your water: Professional boxers sit down and sip their water after each round. If you apply this skill as you train, you won't get a stitch.


Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee? Not everyone can do that, and with boxing training you don't have to - it's about expressing yourself and being the best you can be.


Getting started 

Boxercise emerged in the UK in the early 1990s, and there are now thousands of boxing-style classes nationwide. Boxercise, body combat, boxfit and boxing fitness all have one thing in common - they are non-contact. Classes such as body combat and boxercise are generally taught by qualified aerobic and fitness instructors, and the class content is set to music and run from leisure centres and health clubs.


Many local boxing clubs now offer boxing style classes, too, taught by professional boxers and coaches. While these may be a little more hard-core, you'll get more of an authentic experience. There is no central organisation for these classes, so look online or in your local directory. Prices vary, but generally start from around pounds 5 for a single class, up to pounds 75 a month for unlimited classes with professional boxers. Each class will involve a warm-up and cool-down, with a series of boxing drills and skills. The class will challenge your aerobic stamina with constant moving exercises, plus the short, sharp exercises, such as punchballing, that train your anaerobic energy systems. If you are not used to doing explosive, short-burst activity, expect to be challenged.

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